How To Respond To Fake Reviews of Your Business?

Online reviews are an extension of traditional "word-of-mouth" marketing. An individual purchases a product or service and shares their experience with friends. According to studies, 95% of shoppers read an internet review before deciding to buy. And 94% of buyers said an internet review persuaded them to shun a brand or organization. If you receive too many unfavorable reviews, your reputation will suffer, and your business will suffer. Even well-managed business has bad days, so the odd nasty internet review is unavoidable. But what about false and negative reviews? These could be aggravating, frustrating, and detrimental to your bottom line. What is Review Management? Review management is the practice of monitoring internet reviews about your company on numerous websites. This is done to guarantee that you can carry out your review response plan, address customer complaints as they emerge, and rapidly eliminate fake reviews before they cause prob...